Working in partnership with our nurseries since 2004

In-app payments

Childcare Billing Software

The quickest and most affordable way to receive payments.

Simple and Secure
Payments for Nurseries

Safe and Secure

Guarantee debit and credit card transactions are processed safely and securely with fraud protection. Level 1 PCI DSS Compliance to be discussed at application stage.

Reduced Admin

Payments are automatically reconciled against the bill, reducing your admin time by up to 80% (compared to Direct Debit and cash).

Easy to Set Up

Create your Nomupay account and start taking online payments through ParentZone today.

I prefer it to Direct Debit and cash as we make the saving in postings. We have seen a vast reduction in payment posting from a daily routine to one morning a week.

Craig Jackson - Portico Day Nurseries

Faster Payments with ParentZone

24/7 Payments

99% uptime with payments processed the same day and money in your account the next day.

Popular Payment Methods

Accept all Visa or Mastercard debit and credit cards and allow parents to pay with speed - how they want, when they want.

Live Insights

Get payment data in real-time, complete control of your commercial activity and gain in-depth customer insights.

Transparent Transaction Fees

Helping Parents with
Easy Payment Options


99% uptime with payments processed the same day and money in your account the next day.


Their debit and credit card transactions are processed safely and securely in ParentZone with fraud protection.


Payments through ParentZone can be made in 5 simple steps - and you receive them instantly!

*Total Processing is now NomuPay

Additional Benefits

Low Fees

Completely Contactless

Easier for Parents

Stable and Secure

Complete the form to start a NomuPay Merchant Services
application and get ready to go contactless.

Not using Connect Childcare or ParentZone yet?

You can book a free no obligation demo of our software and see how easy it is to handle more than just payments!


We have teamed up with NomuPay to negotiate the lowest rate for you. This means you can accept Debit and Credit card payments with lower transaction fees than other online payment processors such as PayPal and Stripe.

NomuPay is a global payment solutions provider, working with a network of more than 300 acquirer banking partners, all of whom process payments securely through their level 1 PCI DSS secure payments gateway, protecting your transactions with the utmost level of security and trust.

Parents can pay you online straight from the ParentZone app and you’ll receive the payment immediately. Payments through ParentZone are also automatically reconciled with the bill on Connect Childcare.

Creating a NomuPay account is completely free and the transaction fee for online payments through ParentZone is the lowest on the market. We have negotiated a special discounted rate of just 1.20% + 35p per transaction.

All other NomuPay fees:

  • Wire fee: £1 per settlement
  • Refunds: £1
  • Chargeback: £25
  • PCI non-compliance: £7 per month (chargeable when a completed PCI questionnaire has not been provided)

When a parent pays their bill online through the ParentZone app, the funds will show in your NomuPay account immediately. The payment will clear and show in your bank account the next working day. Other online payment processors such as PayPal, Stripe and Worldpay take up to 7 days to clear a payment.

Each nursery will be responsible for being PCI compliant. However, this is a simple pre-filled form that needs to be signed/dated by yourself and will be discussed with you by NomuPay at the application stage.