How long do you spend on daily diaries?
How long do you and your colleagues spend on daily diaries?
Daily diaries are just one part of a mountain of administration work that needs to be completed at a nursery each day. Although not compulsory they provide important information to parents as well as ensuring their peace of mind.
But how long does it take your staff to create daily diaries for parents?
Daily diaries alone can take a huge amount of time.
If each daily diary takes 5 minutes to compete and there are 40 children in the nursery. Your Practitioners are spending:
3 hours and 20 minutes a day
16.5 hours a week
3 days per month
That’s 36.5 days every single year – spent just on daily diaries alone.
With iConnect you can cut this time to just 15 minutes a day, equating to 66 hours a year or 2.75 days. Which is a huge saving of 33.75 days a year!
All of this saved time can be spent focussing on the children and providing the very best educational experiences.