11th October 2017 Leadership & Management All Posts

Increasing Happiness for Nursery Workers

Quality nursery staff are the foundation of a successful nursery.

Your staff leave a lasting impression on your children and their parents. They are the face of your setting and your reputation is in their hands.

You could have the most beautiful setting with the very best equipment but it is all meaningless without good staff working with you.

Nursery staff are paid very little. In the current climate with chronic underfunding it is often not possible to pay staff much more than the minimum wage. This makes it even more important to make sure your staff are happy and feel valued and respected in their roles.

At Connect Childcare, we’ve invested in many different schemes over the years to increase the happiness of our own staff, and make sure our employees know how important they are to us.

We’ve out together an eBook with our ideas on how to provide employee perks on a budget.

Download it here:



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About the Author

Connect Childcare have been developing purpose built nursery management software for the past 15 years. Their missions is: To develop management software that improves the lives of children, globally.