13th April 2021 All Posts

Nutritional Considerations for Autistic Populations

From leading Early Years Food Experts, Julieta Matayoshi and Louise Mercieca from The Professional Nursery Kitchen.

World Autism Week, which took place earlier this month, is a time where autistic people, their families, schools and organisations come together to fundraise and share stories and ideas to help people understand more about what it’s like to be autistic.

The coronavirus pandemic has been particularly tough for many autistic people and their families. Services have closed and many people have been left stranded. The ever-changing guidelines and restrictions can be confusing to understand and extremely difficult to implement for autistic people with high support needs. 

For children with Autism, a nutritious, balanced diet can make a world of difference in their ability to learn, how they manage their emotions and how they process information. Because children with Autism often avoid certain foods or have restrictions on what they eat, as well as difficulty sitting through mealtimes, they may not be getting all the nutrients they need.

Leading Early Years Food Experts, The Professional Nursery Kitchen, have teamed up with Louise Mercieca to develop a six-part series to help Early Years Staff and Parents understand the impact of nutrition on children with autism.

Free resources: Nutritional Considerations for Autistic Populations

The importance of the first 1000 days
Introducing New Tastes & Expectations
Food Routines & Sensory issues
Blood Sugar Regulation
(GI) issues

Early years settings have the opportunity to successfully support and encourage children and their parents/carers to gain knowledge of how to keep themselves healthy, and evidence of a whole setting approach to healthy eating. We’ve pulled together this resource hub to help early years settings to adopt and demonstrate a healthier approach.

Early Years Nutrition Hub

Other free resources can be found on the Early Years nutrition hub. Here you can access free videos, ebooks, blogs and tips, designed to help you stay informed about child nutrition.
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Marketing Lead at Connect Childcare