The Top 3 Most Underused Features of ParentZone
ParentZone is a smartphone app for parents. Parents can access information about their child’s day at a time that suits them best. ParentZone increases partnership with parents by allowing two way communication between parents and your nursery.
The award-winning app has many exciting features for both parents and practitioners to use, but which features are often overlooked?
Today we are going to highlight the top 3 most underused features of ParentZone you should know about.
The Top 3 Most Underused Features of ParentZone
Parental Contribution
The first feature that is often underused on ParentZone is the parental contribution feature. One of the greatest challenges for nursery managers and practitioners is building strong relationships with parents at your setting. We know it can be a challenge to engage parents in their child’s activities, which is why ParentZone encourages observations outside the nursery.
Parents are able to upload their own observations from their time outside of nursery to give you a more complete view of a child’s learning experiences – and this can be a wonderful way to solidify learning concepts as well as stay in touch with the progress of your children. Receiving observations from home will give practitioners more information to use in planning activities and next steps and will strengthen bonds with the family. When filling in observations at home, parents can also fill in the ‘Child’s voice’ – where they ask their child to comment on the observation and note this down. As well as engaging the parents in their child’s learning, adding a child’s own thoughts can be beneficial to the child as they think about what they have experienced and what they have learnt.
Contactless Payments
One of the challenges you may face as a nursery manager is the admin time required to send invoices, receive payments, and stay up to date with your finances. ParentZone has the capability for parents to send payments instantly from their app to your nursery.
With Connect Cashflow, parents have the convenience of being able to pay their fees, by card, directly from their nursery app. Parents can view their invoices and outstanding balance on the app so will always be aware if they owe any fees. Admin staff will no longer need to spend hours chasing up late payers and your cash flow will benefit as a result.
Support learning and development at home with Parenthub – an online resource portal offering tips, advice, and ideas for parents and their children. Parenthub features activity and craft ideas, child-friendly recipes, and EYFS learning and support. The most exciting addition to our Parenthub is the BBC Bitesize integration, which shares advice on topics such as creating a bedtime routine, tips for starting primary school, and how to create a fun learning environment at home.
ParentZone is the top rated parental engagement app in the UK, and our users have shared some of their favourite features:
Through the ParentZone app, busy parents can log in and view their child’s daily activities and wow moments when it is most convenient for them. Parents can contribute to their child’s learning journey, make notes for their key person and strengthen their bond with the staff and setting all from their secure app.
Engage even the busiest parents with ParentZone
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Imogen is our Content and Social Media creative
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