If you have signed up to our newsletter but you still aren’t receiving communications, there could be a number of reasons why. Below we have put together a guide of what you can do to help improve our email deliverability.
If you have manually unsubscribed from our list
You won’t be able to receive our emails if you have clicked ‘unsubscribe’ on any of our emails. If you would like to receive emails from us, that’s no problem. Just email marketing@connectchildcare.com and they will add you back to the list.
You have not engaged with a marketing email in over 3 months
Our email system forces us to employ a sunset policy, which means that it will automatically unsubscribe anyone who has not engaged (open/clicked/replied) with our emails in a month. Please let us know if you would like to be resubscribed by emailing marketing@connectchildcare.com.
You mark our emails as ‘spam’ or move to your spam/junk folder, or our emails are automatically going to your spam/junk folder
If you have marked our emails as spam or have moved them to your spam/junk folder, your email service may prevent you from receiving or properly viewing our email content. You should create a whitelist. A whitelist is a list of approved or safe email addresses to help a spam filter determine whether it should allow delivery.