1st December 2018 All Posts Leadership & Management

Integration. Improving efficiency in your nursery.

Do you use different software tools for different aspects of your nursery administration?

Many nurseries acknowledge that software can make life easier for their staff and can improve previously long winded processes. But using multiple systems can have a real detrimental impact to your efficiency.

Just think about when a new child joins your setting. How many different systems, either paper or software based, do they need to be added into?

For every different system, the child’s data needs to be duplicated. Not only does this take up a lot of time, it also increases the likelihood of important data getting into the wrong hands.

But there is another way.

Connect Childcare provide a secure and integrated software package for managers, practitioners and parents.

Connect Childcare links everything from grants, billing and registers; to observations, assessments and daily diaries and even sends selected information through to parents. Without the need for any duplication.

If you update a child’s booking pattern, the registers and bills will automatically update to reflect the changes. The child will automatically appear in the list of children available for observations that day, along with their next steps and any important notes and reminders.

Do you duplicate observations to give to the parents, or show to Ofsted? With iConnect the observations that you record can be sent to the parents, shown as evidence for Ofsted, and kept for assessments and planning. Eliminating duplication reduces mistakes, increases security and saves time.

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About the Author

Connect Childcare have been developing purpose built nursery management software for the past 15 years. Their missions is: To develop management software that improves the lives of children, globally.